Teens need some attention, too | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I have only lived on Bainbridge Island for four years so my credentials may not be up to par, however I do want to point out that the politics of the island always seem to be directed toward the older persons.

To the editor:

I have only lived on Bainbridge Island for four years so my credentials may not be up to par, however I do want to point out that the politics of the island always seem to be directed toward the older persons.

What we need to do is direct our attention to the youth. Yes, we misbehave or destroy things, but there is a reason for all this. WE ARE BORED!

The island appeals to kids of the age 1-9 and adults from the age of 40 plus. There are zero teen attractions that are well-kept, there are zero teen stores where we can buy clothes that don’t have prices that wreck our pockets.

I know that the police, the schools, and really most of the island has a problem with skaters and the crowd that comes with that. We slash police car tires, blow up Porta Potties(2008), light things on fire, do graffiti. Because we have nothing else to release our creativity to.

We are left behind because we are just kids. We are ignored because we seem to not have any experience in life. We are experiencing it now and living in boredom, feeling trapped, performing repetitive tasks.

Bainbridge: What I am asking is not to stop benefiting the adults but benefit the teens as well.


Bainbridge Island