Thank you to everyone who helped save my life | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: On the afternoon of Aug. 24, I had a seizure while riding my motorcycle on Miller Road, near Tolo.

To the editor:

On the afternoon of Aug. 24, I had a seizure while riding my motorcycle on Miller Road, near Tolo.

I was not physically injured in any way, and even the motorcycle was completely undamaged. Someone called 911, and in a short period of time I was speaking to my wife by telephone.

Later, someone – obviously someone who knows motorcycles – got that 850-pound bike out of the ditch and onto the side of the road on its center stand, which is something a person needs to know how to do on that bike.

I was transported to Harrison Hospital where I met my wife. An MRI scan revealed that I had a large but apparently benign brain tumor in my frontal left cortex, a meningioma, which had probably been in there for years. I was then transported to Virginia Mason in Seattle. Surgery was on Aug. 28, and successfully removed the tumor.

I came home one week later, and am now resting and recovering and very happy to be alive.

I wanted to thank all of the people involved whose names I never got, like the person on the scene who called 911, and the person who got that motorcycle out of the ditch and up on the road, ready to be towed home.

I’m sure there were other Good Samaratans who helped out, and all I can say is thanks, I hope some time I have the opportunity to meet you and express my gratitude personally.

Also, I’m interested in hearing the story from the perspective of someone who was there. If you recognize yourself in this story, please give yourself a big pat on the back, because you did something good that day.


Bainbridge Island