Last Sunday at the Island Music Center a fabulous concert was held demonstrating some of the amazing talent from Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County and beyond.
“January Winds” was a benefit concert of classical and jazz performed by woodwind players for the Island Music Center. Despite the snow, the concert hall was almost completely filled with a supportive and enthusiastic audience. There were 21 musicians, woodwind players, pianists and a rhythm section to support the jazz portion of the concert.
The rhythm section was comprised of Neil Conaty of Bainbridge Island, Alan Hashimoto of Indianola and Josh Mason of Mercer Island. Six flute players, The Frog Rock Flutes, a community of amateur flute players who practice once a week at IMC, performed with great enthusiasm. Janet See is a professional flutist who contributed to this concert, accompanied by Mary Foster Grant, a well- known piano teacher on the island.
Dave Carson plays jazz saxophone and clarinet, and teaches at IMC. Four of his students performed and demonstrated how well they have been taught. Patty Beasley and Amy Duerr-Day, both of whom play with the Bainbridge Orchestra, contributed an edgy, contemporary woodwind trio with flutist Sarah Felstiner.
Great support was given by Steve Grassia and John Anderson, plus the amazing staff of IMC, Julie Duke and Cathy Johnson.
Here’s to much, much more music.
Susan Anderson, Candy Kanter
Island Music Center