As many of you know already there is a lot of new interest in growing food locally – even President Obama is considering tearing up his front lawn to put in a garden! While we hope you are ready to follow that example, we know that space can be hard to find sometimes.
The Trust for Working Landscapes (TWL) is pleased to announce the availability of public garden plots (p-patches) at the Johnson Farm, which is located west of Fletcher Bay Road approximately a half-mile from High School Road.
Each plot will be 10-by-20 feet in size. At this point, the plot space, water, minimal deer fencing and tool storage will be provided. Future infrastructure will depend on available funding and volunteer participation. A work party is planned for Saturday, March 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The island’s historical society will also attend the work party to plant Marshall strawberries.
Eleven plots are available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning on March 2 at the Sustainable First Monday Community Gardens, P-Patches and Backyard Gardens. There will be a $25 donation fee for each patch. The event will be held from 7-9 p.m. at Bainbridge Commons on Brien Drive.
You may also contact TWL at 842-5537. Visit our website at for more information.
Growing our own food and buying locally grown food is sustainable for our economy and our environment – and it tastes good too! Please join us and others as we seek to create more opportunities to grow or buy our own local food.
Ryan P. Vancil
TWL, board president