Volunteer program helps reduce usage | Letters | April 8

We recently took advantage of an opportunity to use less of the planet’s precious resources, enhance our living environment, and reduce our electric bill. After contacting RePower Bainbridge (206-799-7006), we received a complete free Home Energy Assessment done by Grant Furness.

The result was four ways that we could improve the energy efficiency of our home. It was a good experience and the assessment was done in a professional and friendly manner.

As a result, we decided to improve the insulation on our doors, replace incandescent bulbs with CFL bulbs (provided free from RePower Bainbridge), install retrofit units in our can lights, and most importantly, install a ductless heat pump system to partially replace a ceiling mounted radiant heat source.

The heat pump was installed in one day by Air Masters Inc. of Port Orchard. We are thrilled with the new system, and look forward to receiving a reduced power bill reflecting our lowered energy usage. The cost of the heat pump system was lowered with a rebate from Puget Sound Energy and an income tax credit.

We are pleased that Bainbridge is involved in a voluntary program that educates and benefits residents while reducing energy usage and cost.

Ted Hoppin,

Anne Sommer

Bainbridge Island