Ward’s emphasis is on neighborhoods | Letters | July 29

While we are entitled to indulge in a certain amount of self-congratulation, it is also important to consider our opportunities for improvement. Two years ago the voters decided the mayor/council form of city government had to go.

The upcoming primary election for City Council is an important step in the evolution of island-wide city government.

It’s hard to believe, but this is the 20th anniversary of our decision to adopt home rule.

While we are entitled to indulge in a certain amount of self-congratulation, it is also important to consider our opportunities for improvement. Two years ago the voters decided the mayor/council form of city government had to go.

We replaced it with a council/manager system, a structure that relies more heavily on the council.

Our job as voters starts with thoughtful selection of council members. Those of us who live in the Central Ward are fortunate to have an outstanding candidate in Dave Ward.

One focal point of Dave’s campaign is basic services – the city-owned water utility serving the central island, the island-wide storm water utility and roads. One of the council’s great challenges in today’s economic climate is the delivery of basic services in a cost effective manner.

Dave Ward’s emphasis on the basics – water, storm water and roads – is not lip service. As chair of the Utility Advisory Committee, Dave thoroughly understands the opportunities to improve delivery of basic services.

Another focal point of Dave’s campaign is preserving and protecting our neighborhoods. Dave speaks from experience here, too. He chairs the Cave Avenue Community Council, a model for how residents can come together to make a great neighborhood even better. The third focal point of Dave’s campaign is police-community relations.

We all want a community that is functional, attractive and safe.  Those things don’t just happen. They are the work of dedicated citizens who take time out of their busy lives to serve on the City Council. Dave Ward is intelligent, mature, well informed, hard working and thoroughly engaged.

He is just the sort of person we need on our City Council. Learn more at www.davidwardforcitycouncil.com.

Norm Bruns

Bainbridge Island