To the editor:
I am a young college student living in Gig Harbor, and I support Bill Driscoll for Congress.
My dad is currently serving our country in Afghanistan, and he puts his life on the line every day that he is there. Unlike Derek Kilmer, Bill Driscoll has personal experience serving our country as a Marine. He has seen and experienced firsthand the many challenges faced by our military, both while they are overseas and after they come home.
Bill Driscoll also recognizes that returning soldiers must be able to monetarily support their families. This necessitates a thriving economy that will readily provide jobs to our returning heroes. That’s why Bill Driscoll will help balance our national budget and reduce our national debt. He has real experience in manufacturing, international trade and in the military, which is why Bill Driscoll is exactly who we need in Congress.
We need someone who understands the pressures that our troops face and someone who knows firsthand exactly how to help them, and someone who will prioritize our economy. We need a doer, not just another eloquent politician. That is why I support Bill Driscoll for Congress.
Gig Harbor