To the editor:
A pedestrian bridge across 305 makes sense to me only if it were located at 305 and High School Road, or to connect pedestrians from the ferry terminal to the downtown core.
First of all, a diagonal bridge across High School Road, southeast to northwest, would connect the Sound to Olympic Trail from the east side of the highway to the west side, across that intersection, where it’s slated to continue north on 305. An overpass at this intersection would solve the STO connection problem.
An overpass at High School Road and 305 would also allow safe passage across the highway for children from all the schools in that area; the high school, Ordway, Odyssey, Commodore and St Cecelia’s. Pedestrians could safely cross the highway between the Village Shopping Center and businesses and residences on the east side of the highway. Safety of our children and pedestrians is always a concern on this Island, and this is a dangerous intersection.
There is absolutely no apparent reason why anyone should be crossing the highway at the Vineyard, particularly when the east and west sides of the Island are perfectly well connected one block south, and a block north of that location.
Bainbridge Island