More scenes from the Kitsap Fair

Damon Williams/Kitsap News Group photos

It can be a little bit of a blur on the rides at night at the Kitsap Fair. On this night crowds were small as the weather wasn’t the best.

Bad weather one night led to small crowds, which obviously frustrated this vendor.

Meira Mehta didn’t seem to mind the small crowds as she got to check out the steering wheel on this tractor.

Fair institution Larry Lemon turns a mean lathe.

Rain or shine funnel cake always tastes good as Ty Brewen and Megan Drinnon can attest.

One of the many great things about the fair is a large number of entries receive ribbons.

Meira Mehta didn’t seem to mind the small crowds as she got to check out the steering wheel on this tractor.

Meira Mehta didn’t seem to mind the small crowds as she got to check out the steering wheel on this tractor.

Fair institution Larry Lemon turns a mean lathe.

Fair institution Larry Lemon turns a mean lathe.

Rain or shine funnel cake always tastes good as Ty Brewen and Megan Drinnon can attest.

Rain or shine funnel cake always tastes good as Ty Brewen and Megan Drinnon can attest.

One of the many great things about the fair is a large number of entries receive ribbons.

One of the many great things about the fair is a large number of entries receive ribbons.