Can’t say you don’t have time to go to these plays

Ten plays with the theme “Hunger” will be performed at Island Theatre’s 10-Minute Play Festival Aug. 22-24 at Buxton Center of the Bainbridge Performing Arts.

In keeping with the theme, 10% of ticket sales will be donated to World Central Kitchen, which provides chef-prepared meals to communities impacted by natural disasters and humanitarian crises, including Ukraine and Gaza.

The 10 plays were chosen by a panel of theater professionals out of 60 submissions. They were all written by Kitsap County playwrights. The news release says the plays are a mixture of funny, serious, quirky and thought-provoking, and feature characters and issues that range from high school age to seniors. There are 10 directors and 29 actors. Barbara Hume wrote one play and is directing another. Pete Benson directors one and acts in another.

Shows are at 7 p.m., along with a matinee at 3 p.m. that Saturday. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students, seniors and military. The Thursday performance is a pay-what-you-will preview. For tickets go to

The volunteer-run nonprofit is supported by donations, Bainbridge Community Foundation, the city’s Cultural Fund, BI Rotary and One Call for All.

The lineup includes:

Third Times a Charm: By Audrey Wilson and William Galvan; director Tracy Dickerson; actors Ruth Bookwalter and Kestrel Rundle.

On the Gurney: By Roger Midgett; director Fred Sass; actors Elissa Kratzer, Nora Harrison, George Shannon and Vanessa Acierto.

Blackout: By Lee Lawing; director Sabrina Flander; actors Tyler Weaver, Sydney Renee and Jacob Freimark.

On the House: By Barbara Hume; director Jeff Brown; actors Sandi Spellman and Mike Toot.

Buds: By Kenda Truett; director Pete Benson; actors Kate Henderson, Katie Zehrung, Ivan Winkler and Jackie O’Brien.

TEOTWAWKI: By Aleks Merilo; director Ellie Bosch; actors Emily Kay Townsend, Todd Baylor and Pete Simpson.

The Reservation: By Aviva Pelton; director Steve Stolee; actors Brian Guy and Stacey Higgenbotham.

Damn Ye Jack Slade: By Paul Lewis; director Todd Erler; actors Josi Twigt, Zinnie Keller, James Macpherson and Alex Sanso.

Advance Team Zoo: By Gina King; director Jen Pippen-Montanez; actors Charlie Malo, Autumn McMurry and Pete Benson.

The Ride Home: By Jennifer Pippen-Montanez; director Barbara Hume; actors Claudia Soisson and Audrey Benson.