Ornithologist leads walk to discover the birds of Bloedel

Join ornithologist Dan Froehlich on a two-hour early morning walk around the Bloedel Reserve at 8 a.m. Sunday, July 14 as he details how the garden habitats support birds.

Join ornithologist Dan Froehlich on a two-hour early morning walk around the Bloedel Reserve at 8 a.m. Sunday, July 14 as he details how the garden habitats support birds.

Identify birds by sight and sound, and take a closer look at the bird-life drama unfolding before your eyes. Froehlich is working toward a doctorate in zoology and conducts research and teaches field ornithology classes around the world.

The cost is $22 ($15 for members) and the minimum suggested age is 8.

Bring your binoculars. Preregistration is required; call 206-842-7631.