SWINGSET SENSATION: A 10-piece group, playing 40s-era swing tunes and beyond will be providing live music for the next Second Saturday Dance, which begins with a potluck at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 10, followed by an East Coast Swing Workshop with certified instructor Sheila Phillips at 7:30 p.m. and Swingset Sensation at 8:15 p.m. All ages welcome, no partner necessary. Cost is $8 youth/$13 adults. Info: www.educatedfeet.net.
I’d always thought Port Townsend was just a summer spot.
‘Shake Off Those Winter Blahs’ with Italian chef Roberto Russo at Monica’s Waterfront Bakery.
NK glass artist Lauri Hewitt’s hand-spun beads worn by Roma Maffia on the season premiere of “Nip/Tuck.”
A group of dauntless islanders took a chilly plunge into Rich Passage off Lytle Beach on New Year’s day. Review staff photographer Brad Camp was there to capture the event.
Having been an actor, screenwriter, novelist, true crime writer, ghostwriter and teacher, Bainbridge writer Anthony Flacco has a veteran’s perspective on getting a book done. One of the keys: invest your ego in the work, not yourself.
By JON SAYER For the Review When a house has been home for the likes of a well-known or wealthy…
Island photographer Rich Heald was quick on the shutter as he captured a cold air downdraft that passed over Bainbridge…
Kitsap News Group papers’ transition to a once-weekly publications across the board, opens the door for What’s Up in Bremerton and beyond.
Stewardship starts with awareness.
What do we do with those wonderfully colorful holiday plants we just can’t resist? This is the dilemma many of us face each year, especially if we love plants and hate to throw away any that are still looking very appealing and healthy.
same time Jan. 10. All shows are 21+, various covers at the Shipwreck Lounge at Slip 45, 715 Bay St. in Port Orchard. Info: www.slip45.com, www.myspace.com/slip45music.
Coast Swing workshop at 10:30 a.m. followed by Foxtrot at 11:30 a.m. led by Jan Madison at the Bremerton Elks, 4131 Pine Road in Bremerton. Public invited, seniors encouraged, afternoon dance follows. Call (360) 877-5181 to sign up.