What’s Up braves the storm on the search for the best Christmas Lights in Kitsap.
Bainbridge artist Sally Prangley finds art in everyday objects, like her exhibit of “Enchanted Mirrors” at BPA this month.
Jay and Susan Wiggs of Bainbridge Island are delighted to announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Dave Maas, son of Dan Maas and Dr. Susan Ackland-Maas of Vancouver, B.C.
With more snow and cold weather in the forecast, the city has distributed storm preparedness information to locations around the…
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Sometimes when Alan Simcoe stands at his workshop inside Village Music, he’ll become aware of passers-by who have paused.
Kathleen Thorne isn’t certain that her accomplishments in culture and the humanities actually qualify her for Island Treasure-hood.
On a recent visit to Liberty Bay Books in Poulsbo I found several books to drool over and covet. I thought, since it’s so chilly out lately, you may want to head to Liberty Bay or your own favorite bookstore to check out these offerings. Some are pricey but others you might just want to buy now and take home to savor for hours and hours.
SCENE STUDY WITH DINAH MANOFF: The Tony Award-winning stage, sitcom and screen actress Dinah Manoff will be leading a course for adults in Scene Study, with classes at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 12 & 26, Feb. 2, 9 & 23 and March 2 at Bainbridge Performing Arts, 200 Madison Ave. N on Bainbridge. Registration is now open, tuition for the six-week course is $425 through BPA. Info: www.bainbridgeperformingarts.org/Education/SecondStage.html or call (206) 842-8578.
LIVE AT THE PEGASUS: Rick Barrenger leads a Christmas sing-along at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19, followed by Americana singer/songwriter Rachel Harrington with her new CD “City of Refuge” at the same time Dec. 20, while Sunday, Dec. 21, will be an open mic for all styles at 7 p.m. All shows are all ages, by donation at the Pegasus Coffeehouse, 131 Parfitt Way on Bainbridge. Info: www.pegasuscoffeehouse.com or call (206) 842-6725.
THE ANCIENT TRADITION OF GIFT GIVING: Will be explored and celebrated in a new art show, “Up-gifting,” this month at the Artists for Freedom and Unity in Bremerton. The exhibit features Kitsap artists Pat Cooper and Malia Macheel working with traditional seasonal themes, giving life to discarded objects and working with “formerly appreciated” and up-cycled apparel and materials. The exhibit hands through December at the AFU, 318 Callow Ave. in Bremerton. Free. Info: www.myspace.com/artfreeunity.
What’s Up takes a long look at Earth’s nearest neighbor with OC professor David Fong, through the eyes of robots now living there.