Random act of honesty | THE BAINBRIDGE BLAB

No great revelation here, just an observation that good things still happen in the world.

No great revelation here, just an observation that good things still happen in the world.

People in the checkout line at the Bainbridge Safeway were witnesses to a random act of honesty a few moments ago.

In the self-checkout line, a fortysomething fellow buying two bags of chips and a bottle of juice found the previous customer had left the change from his purchase behind.

Without skipping a beat, the chips man scooped up the $7 and grabbed the attention of the nearest cashier, and handed over the bills with a quick explanation they’d been left behind by the shopper before him.

“Thank you for your honesty!” the cashier said.

A few minutes later, the previous shopper — receipt waving in his hand — rushed back into the store looking for his misplaced moolah. Man and money were soon reunited.




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