Bainbridge Performing Arts presents “The Full Monty,” a heartfelt and timely tale of a community that comes together during economic hardship and follows their dreams, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 25 and Saturday, May 26, and 3 p.m. Sunday, May 27.
Seeing how much their wives enjoy their “Girls’ Night Out,” unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, N.Y. come up with a bold way to make some quick cash. In the process they find renewed self esteem, the importance of friendship, and the ability to have fun.
The show is directed by Ken Michels, with musical direction by Corinna Lapid-Munter and Shannon Dowling and choreography by Joanna Hardie.
Tickets are $27 for adults, $22 for seniors, and $19 for students, youth, military and teachers. The production is suitable for “R” audiences.
For more information, visit