Throwback Thursday: Fewer ferries and letters to Santa | THE BAINBRIDGE BLAB

It's Throwback Thursday, and time again to crack open a dusty volume of the Bainbridge Review for a peek at the news from many yesterdays. This TBT features the Review from Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1969.

It’s Throwback Thursday, and time again to crack open a dusty volume of the Bainbridge Review for a peek at the news from many yesterdays. This TBT features the Review from Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1969.


New Schedules Draw Complaints

For the majority of ferry users, the cancellation of some late-evening ferry runs has not meant serious problems. For others, it has been a disaster.

David C. Forbes, a Bainbridge Island musician, says the new schedule makes it almost impossible for him to commute in a reasonable time to and from the Island.

Other workers on late night shifts have voiced similar complaints.

State Senator Charles Elicker said he has had about eight telephone calls from people who are directly affected by the change.

“For these people it is pretty important in terms of getting to and from work. They are not working normal shift hours.”

Elicker suggested that the TBA review the schedules with an eye toward “tinkering” with the existing schedules to make them more compatible with the odd-hour shifts. “If we can move them ten or twenty minutes, I think we should try to do it,” Elicker said.

The new schedule eliminates the 10:30 p.m. ferry and the Sunday-only midnight ferry from Seattle to Winslow and the 9:45 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. trips from Winslow.


Here’s What Island Youngsters Are Asking From Santa

Dear Santa,

I would like a real oven, a Barbie doll, Charlie and the Choclate Factory book.

Margaret Whealdon

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas Santa Claus! For Christmas bring me a refrigerator, oven, ironing board, dolly, pretend baby food and blender. Thank you.


Christine McMillan

P.S. Bring something for my dog, Hilda.

Dear Santa,

I am six years old. I have been a good girl. I would like to have a talking, bendable, Barbie doll. Also a broom to sweep my playhouse. Please answer my letter.

Thank you,

Laura Anderson

Dear Santa Claus,

I wish I could visit you. Do you have a reindeer named Rudolph? I have not been as good as I should be, but I try. I want a baseball glove and a rifle. Also I want a Billy Blast-off. Merry Christmas. xxxoo


Teresa L. Smith

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I want a basket hoop, robots, shovel truck, construction set, airport and rocket ship and football hat. Thank you.


Steven McMillan

P.S. Bring something for my brother Mark.




WATERFRONT apartment. Port Madison. 1 1/2 bedroom. Unfurnished, $115. Furnished, $125. VI 2-4628 or VI 21-4568.

UNFURNISHED two-three bedrooms. Four miles Winslow. Fruit trees, garage. References. $105.

VI 2-4327.


SPECIAL: 1965 4-speed Barracuda V-8. R&H, new WW $1200.

FOR SALE: 1958 Ford 2-door, V-8, stick, good transportation. $100.