Are you prepared for a crisis? You might think that you are, but your money won’t do you any good to get food if the whole financial system collapses around you. While you can’t be sure that this will happen soon, you can’t be sure that it won’t, either. So, it’s better to be prepared.
Now, a new book called The Lost Superfoods is here to give you all the knowledge that you need to get 100% prepared for the apocalypse. If it ever happens, you can be fed with special superfoods that will keep you healthy while the worst is still happening.
What Is The Lost Superfoods?
The Lost Superfoods is a new book that will teach you to be self-sufficient when it comes to feeding. The text lists 126 foods that can be stored for over a year and were forgotten as time passed. Now, they can be used by you.
In the product, you will get an explanation about why these are superfoods that you should invest in, their nutritional values, and how to use and store them. It uses colored pictures and easy instructions, so even people who are not necessarily experts can easily follow each procedure without error.
According to the creators of the product, the goal of this product is to have as many Americans as possible prepared for what may happen if they undergo a local emergency (such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.) or even disruptions that may affect the whole country or world.
Pros and Cons
It’s time to learn the main advantages and drawbacks of the teachings found in this book:
- The foods cited in the book are really good for your health.
- They can last for a really long time when properly stored.
- You won’t get unprepared if a doomsday happens.
- All the tips for people who have never stockpiled before to do it easily.
- Keep your entire family well fed if the worst happens.
- Not very useful if you are not engaged enough to work hard using these available tips.
- There are obviously additional costs related to creating your own food supply.
What Will The Lost Superfoods Teach You?
There are many interesting secrets in this book. For instance, it teaches you to create the “doomsday ration” that was made by the American government during the Cold War. With it, you will get healthy food that will last essentially for years without any problems. Also, it’s pretty cheap to make, costing only 27 cents per unit.
Other superfoods include options that were used in America during the Great Depression, or in places such as Europe during the Great War. People who like bread will be pleased to discover a unique recipe that the Cree Tribe of Canada has used for bread that lasts for a long time, for instance. That’s the kind of variety that you can expect from this offering.
Along with the recipes, you will get several instructions on how to properly store food and to make it last for longer using natural preservatives. Also, there are tips to get many pounds of food essentially for a meager amount.
ALSO READ: The Lost Superfoods Customer Reviews and User Testimonials
The Lost Superfoods Main Features
These are the main features of the book:
- Lists 126 superfoods that you can store without refrigeration for years.
- Gives you several tips on how to properly store this food.
- Get detailed information about the nutritional value of each superfood.
- Can be used by people who are not very good at cooking or stockpiling.
- Shares everything that you need to get food prepared for a whole year’s worth of food.
The Lost Superfoods Official Pricing
The price of this book is fairly cheap when compared to how much value it can bring to your life. To get it, just be sure to visit, and then you’ll be able to use PayPal or a credit card to buy it.
At the moment, there are two options. You can pay $27 and get immediate online access to the product, or pay the same price, plus $9.99 in shipping and handling, and get the print version delivered directly to your home. If that’s your case, you’ll get the digital version as well.
In both cases, the offering comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. However, you need to send the physical book back in case you bought it to get your money, and shipping and handling fees won’t be given back.
The Lost Superfoods Bonuses
Independently on whether you bought the physical or digital version of this book, you’ll get two fully digital extra bonuses when you finish the purchase.
The first one is called “An Underground Year-Round Greenhouse in Your Backyard”. It teaches all the secrets to building a greenhouse in your house by spending no more than $200 on raw materials.
“Projects From 1900 That Will Help You in the Next Crisis”, the second book, gives you a sneak peek at how people were self-sufficient a hundred years ago, and helps you to become just like them.
The Lost Superfoods Verdict
With this book, you will unlock most of the knowledge that you need to become self-sufficient in case there’s a food chain shortage, from the kinds of food that are good for your health and last, to how to properly store them. This makes it a must-buy for anyone who is a survivalist or wants to ensure the safety of their families in the wake of a calamity.
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