181 new COVID cases confirmed in Kitsap

The Kitsap Public Health District confirmed 181 new COVID cases over a week span Oct. 6, bringing the countywide total to 49,623 since the pandemic began in March of 2020.

Of the new cases, 11 were on Bainbridge Island, 45 in Bremerton, 30 in Central Kitsap, 42 in North Kitsap and 51 in South Kitsap. Two cases came from “unknown” areas of the county.

Over that week, Kitsap’s case rate per 100,000 residents was 66.5. To date, the number of county residents who have initiated vaccination is 80 percent.

Of the 49,623 total cases, 2,758 have been on BI, 12,964 in Bremerton, 11,231 in CK, 7,704 in NK, and 14,696 in SK. 270 cases have come from “unknown” areas of the county.

There have been 390 COVID-related deaths since the pandemic began. The health district is no longer reporting age demographics so details on the 43 most-recent deaths will not be provided. Of the previous 347 deaths, 136 were ages 80 and older, 90 ages 70-79, 64 ages 60-69, 37 ages 50-59, 16 ages 40-49 and four ages 30-39.

The health district has shifted from daily COVID reports to weekly reports every Thursday.