Youth Art Award
Deadline is March 31 for high school juniors and seniors on Bainbridge Island to compete for cash prizes for their artwork.
The Bainbridge Island Studio Tour awards a grand prize of $400, first place of $250 and two $100 honorable mentions in the category of visual arts. Now in its 11th year, the Youth Art Award is funded by voluntary donations from last year’s Studio Tour artists.
Applications can be found at Students will need to supply an artist’s statement and five photos of their work electronically. All types of visual art are eligible – paintings, drawings, pottery, sculpture, glass, photography, etc.
Winners will be announced May 15 at the Bainbridge High School Spring Art Festival awards ceremony.
For details, call Studio Tour manager Dinah Satterwhite at 206-842-0504, or email
Long-term care planning
The Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center will be hosting “Long-term Care Planning 101—Your Future Self Will Thank You” March 30 from 1-4 p.m. at 370 Brien Dr SE, between Waterfront Park and T&C.
The free symposium will cover major aspects of long-term care and Dana Gargus, Kitsap County’s long-term care ombudsman, will kick off the event as keynote speaker, per a news release. She will speak about what every elder and those who support them should know about the long-term care system. When might it be time for facility care? What is the difference between memory care, assisted living, and skilled care? What are the questions to ask when shopping for a facility? And who pays and what will it cost?
There will also be a panel of various services, Q&A, and information tables. Refreshments will be provided.
Bainbridge High School junior Emily Ramos, Spartonics drive coach and design subteam captain, became a semifinalist and one of two students chosen for the first Dean’s List Award, the only award for individual students.
She will go on to the PNW Championship and if selected there, will be able to attend the World Championships as a Dean’s List finalist.
Rowing event
Bainbridge Island Rowing will be holding its Swing Dance Series on three separate dates between March and May.
The first one is March 21 from 7-10 p.m., the second one is April 21 from 7-10 p.m. and the final one is May 4 from 5-8 p.m. All events are held at the Stan Pocock Rowing Center at 281 Brien Drive SE.
The first 30 minutes of each event involves beginner swing lessons (no partner required), followed by dancing to popular recordings of swing/indy hop music, per a news release. Doors open 15 minutes before the start time.
Although not mandatory, adults are suggested to pay $20 and students $10.