Bainbridge Police reported the following incidents:
Dec. 27
8:20 p.m. Police stopped a vehicle for driving with its headlights off. Police stopped the driver of the car in the McDonald’s parking lot on High School Road. When the driver opened the window, officers immediately smelled marijuana.
The officer asked the driver to step out of the car. He then asked the driver and two passengers which one of them had marijuana. The driver responded that no one did. She said she lent her car to friends and just got it back, so they must have smoked in the car.
After the driver agreed to a search of the vehicle, the officer found a plastic baggie with what appeared to be marijuana, along with a glass pipe.
The driver was then arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. She then told police that the baggie and pipe belonged to her ex-boyfriend. They smoked in the car earlier that night but she hadn’t realized that he left the marijuana in the car.
Dec. 28
11:45 a.m. A resident returned home to find someone had entered and stolen a piece of jewelry on Christmas Eve.
The man and his wife left the home that morning. They left the exterior door to a mudroom unlocked, but they locked the interior door to the residence. The residence is for sale, and there is a lockbox realtors use to get inside when showing the home to prospective buyers.
Before leaving, the couple hid the lock box in the mudroom behind a bag of dog food. When they returned home, they noticed the lock box out in the open and the interior door unlocked. A piece of jewelry and a standard metal ruler were missing from a desk in the front part of the house.
Police found no evidence that the house had been searched.
Police called the realtor to see if the house had been shown recently. Officers checked the electronic lockbox, which logs times it was opened, and it was last opened on Dec. 18.
The couple said they live alone and no one else was supposed to be there. They said they aren’t around when the house is shown, but they were told no appointments had been scheduled.
Police have no suspects.
Dec. 31
2:57 p.m. A resident reports two laptops stolen. She told police they were taken out of the back of her vehicle.
Around Dec. 10, the woman noticed the computers were missing. She said she was going to drop the laptops off with her daughters, who were in college and out of town at the time.
The woman said she was unsure when the laptops were stolen. She said it could have happened when she was in Seattle or parked at a house in the South Beach neighborhood.
She told police she waited so long to report them because she thought it was possible she had simply misplaced the computers. But after searching through her home and vehicle, she decided to report the items stolen. She said there were no other items missing.
All leads have been exhausted.