Candidates stepping up for Bainbridge fire, park and school positions

It took until Friday, but candidates have now filed to replace departing Bainbridge Metropolitan Park and Recreation District board member Dave Shorett, Bainbridge Island School District board member Michael Foley and Bainbridge fire commissioner Michael Adams.

Two candidates, Jay Kinney and Bob Selzler, have declared for park district board Postition 4. Park board Position 2 incumbent Ken DeWitt has filed for reelection and is unopposed as of Friday afternoon.

Islander Mike Spence has filed to fill the school board District 2 seat. District 5 incumbent Mary Curtis has also filed and is unopposed thus far.

Spence works as a land use and real estate attorney in Seattle. He has children in first and fourth grades.

“I’m interested in this stuff and it’s my turn to step up and help,” Spence said.

Former Bainbridge Island Fire Department commissioner Glen Tyrrell has filed his candidacy for the commission’s Position 5. Scott Isenman, who holds the commissions Position 1, has filed for reelection.

The candidate filing period for the Nov. 3 general election ends at 5 p.m. Friday. The Kitsap County Auditor’s office is expected to release a final list of candidates this evening.

Check back for more details.