City, Friends of Rolling Bay host community meeting

The city of Bainbridge Island and the Friends of Rolling Bay will host a community meeting that will take place tonight in the Fellowship Hall of the Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church.

The city of Bainbridge Island and the Friends of Rolling Bay will host a community meeting that will take place tonight in the Fellowship Hall of the Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church.

City officials said the meeting will be both an opportunity for community members to learn about future planning, and a forum to engage in an open dialogue with elected officials and city staff.

“We see this meeting as an incredible opportunity for neighbors to have a conversation with the city in an informal and easily accessible setting. This type of community meeting embodies our commitment to listening and engaging,” said  City Manager Doug Schulze.

The meeting is 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30. Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church is at 11042 Sunrise Drive NE.

All community members can attend and are invited to raise issues of importance to them related to the Rolling Bay neighborhood or the community at-large.

For more information, call Kellie Stickney at 206-780-3741.