City pays the cost of road repairs

The Bainbridge Island City Council received a status report on the city’s 2012 roads program and asphalt repairs at its Wednesday evening meeting. Public Works Director Lance Newkirk informed the council that cost estimates for the repairs were a little off.

The Bainbridge Island City Council received a status report on the city’s 2012 roads program and asphalt repairs at its Wednesday evening meeting. Public Works Director Lance Newkirk informed the council that cost estimates for the repairs were a little off.

“We had to do additional repair work,” Newkirk said. “More grinding of the asphalt which made more (material) to be removed from the island.”

The added work meant that costs of road repairs have climbed higher than expected for laying asphalt. The extra road work this year resulted in $48,401 beyond what was initially contracted out to Lakeside Industries.

The added cost is approximately 22.25 percent of the original amount, according to Newkirk, and therefore required council approval to pay the bill.

The council approved a revised contract with Lakeside Industries for the asphalt work, with the added $48,401. The new contract added up to $266,913.

But Newkirk also had some good news. Costs for the island’s chip seal road repairs, however, came in under budget by $51,563.

The repairs were also more expedient than expected.

“It was completed in three days,” Newkirk said.

Newkirk also said that, while it’s too early to pinpoint an exact number, a contract for repairs on New Brooklyn Road also came in under budget.

The city allotted $600,000 for road repairs in 2012.