All are welcome to join Congregation Kol Shalom for a Community Passover Seder at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 15 (Second Seder).
The seder will be led this year by Rabbi Mark Glickman and will be at 9010 Miller Road. RSVP to or call 206-842-9010.
Please bring a vegetarian (dairy is fine) and Kosher for Passover side dish, salad or dessert to share. The main dish, salmon, will be provided. Also bring your seder plate, drinks for your table, including Kosher for Passover wine, and Matzah to share.
Donations towards the main dish of salmon will be graciously accepted.
Some of our members follow Ashkenazi traditions which eliminate Kitniyot during Passover.
If you include Kitniyot, please note that on your dish. If you have any questions on what is or isn’t Kosher for Passover, email or call 206-842-9010.