Long-time planner replaces Sandy Fischer.
Veteran city planner Kathy Cook will replace outgoing Winslow Tomorrow project manager Sandy Fischer.
“Kathy is great for Winslow Tomorrow,” Fischer said. “She’s worked with Winslow Tomorrow more than any other staff. I’m confident she’ll be a good replacement.”
Cook joins the project as it shifts from planning to implementation of downtown redevelopment efforts.
“Kathy really is the right person at the right time,” said Greg Byrne, the city’s director of Planning and Community Development. “She has both the skills and the background to move the project forward during this crucial phase of implementation.”
Near-future Winslow Tomorrow projects include the Winslow Way redesign, the Waterfront Park Master Plan, which was accepted at Wednesday’s council meeting, and urban design planning near the Winslow ferry terminal.
Cook was hired by the city in 1995 to help develop the Winslow Master Plan. She became a long range planner in 1998 and was promoted to senior planner in 2005.
Prior to her career with the city, Cook managed urban planning research institutions at the University of California’s Berkeley branch.
Fischer, who will work on a part-time basis until May 4, said the decision to leave the city for work in the private sector wasn’t easy.
“It’s with some sadness that I’m leaving,” she said. “Everything is moving forward and finally the council is really making things happen.”
Hired on a temporary basis, Fischer was always on the lookout for her next gig.
“I would have liked to have stayed longer,” she said. “I’m not angry or anything, but there was an edge to the job, always scanning for what I’d do next.”