Council members to meet with islanders at ward meetings

Got something to say about Bainbridge Island? Tell it to the city council.

Got something to say about Bainbridge Island? Tell it to the city council.

Council members will meet with island residents at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 1 for another round of ward meetings.

The central representatives, Councilwoman Debbi Lester and Councilman David Ward, will be present at city hall. South ward representatives, Councilwomen Sarah Blossom and Kirsten Hytopoulos, will meet at Lynwood Commons. And north ward representatives, councilwoman Anne Blair and councilman Bob Scales, will meet at Seabold Hall.

Councilman Steve Bonkowski, the at-large representative, will be present at the central ward’s meeting at city hall.

Ward meetings are opportunities for islanders to meet with their council representatives, talk about island issues, and gauge council members’ opinions.

The last ward meetings were held not long after the new council took over in January. The $2 million from the Washington State Ferry settlement, ongoing utility concerns and even council member behavior were hot topics previously discussed at the meetings.

The new council is now well beyond its first 90 days on the job, during which time the city manager has been fired, a search for a new city manager is currently in progress, and discussion of divesting the city’s water utility has been added to the 2012 work plan.