Dylan Anthony Tripp | PASSAGES

As the forest enters its autumnal journey, gold, orange and crimson leaves dance and drift back to the earth, transforming the forest floor into a carpet of color and a bed of rich nutrients to sustain the living forest through the trials of winter. So too our dear son, brother, friend, co-worker and lover of nature, Dylan A. Tripp, leaves us in an abrupt moment, returning back to the earth he so dearly loved.

As the forest enters its autumnal journey, gold, orange and crimson leaves dance and drift back to the earth, transforming the forest floor into a carpet of color and a bed of rich nutrients to sustain the living forest through the trials of winter. So too our dear son, brother, friend, co-worker and lover of nature, Dylan A. Tripp, leaves us in an abrupt moment, returning back to the earth he so dearly loved.

Dylan enjoyed being outdoors, hiking, fishing, exploring and riding his motorcycle. He lived life passionately and compassionately. He brought love and joy to the many people he came into contact with. While he is physically no longer with us, he remains forever in our hearts.

Dylan was born May 21, 1990 on Bainbridge Island. He graduated from Bainbridge High School in 2008. He went on to complete his bachelor of science degree in forestry at the University of Northern Arizona in 2012, and began working as a forester for Washington Department of Natural Resources following his graduation from NAU.

Though a young man, he was wise beyond his years. He saw and understood the profound interconnectedness of all things. He gave us an example of how to care about life and each other and pursue what is important, not just what is popular.

Dylan passed away Oct. 4. 2015. He is survived by his mother, Candace L. Tripp; father, Timothy L. Tripp; brother, Tobin E. Tripp; partner, Ashley Matelski; grandmother, Catherine Tripp, Aunt Molly and Uncle Steve Greist and many more aunts, uncles and cousins.

A celebration of Dylan’s life will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15 at IslandWood.

In lieu of flowers, make a donation to the Bainbridge Island Land Trust in memory of Dylan (http://bit.ly/dylan-tripp or bi-landtrust.org/).