When a group of islanders decided on the name “Frog Rock Forum” for a resiliency symposium, they put in a call to island resident Bob Green.
It was June 6, 1971, when Green and high-school-sweetheart-now-wife Ellen Barnes covered over a purple rock that proclaimed, “NK lives!” Ech.
At 3:30 a.m. that Sunday, after Big Bear Drive-in let out, the two sought to reclaim the paired boulders, inadvertently creating a landmark that would stand the test of time — 40 years’ worth, in fact.
“It’s been tagged from time to time,” Green said. “We had to erase a mustache recently.”
It came close to being a duck, Green said, although Duck Rock just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
The original paint came from Winslow Hardware, but Winslow Paint has stepped up, even creating a “Frog Rock Green” in its database of colors.
The icon is featured on www.northwestcharm.com and as part of Kitsap Tours. Frog Rock even has its own Facebook page.