Gratitude for future generations is theme for interfaith Thanksgiving service

The Interfaith Council of Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap invites community members to gather for the ninth annual interfaith service to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving.

The Interfaith Council of Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap invites community members to gather for the ninth annual interfaith service to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving.

The program includes music, readings, spoken reflections, and inclusive prayers representing how gratitude informs the rich diversity of religious congregations and practices in the region.

The service is 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20, at Bethany Lutheran Church, 7968 Finch Road NE, Bainbridge Island, and everyone is welcome.

In keeping with this year’s theme — Gratitude for Future Generations: “For All That Will Be, Yes!” — the service will feature the voices and talents of local young people. There will be an offering collected to support Bainbridge Youth Services, which for 50 years now has been promoting the social and emotional wellbeing of adolescents in the community through counseling, diverse outreach programs and services.

“Gratitude is a powerful healer. When we are grateful for what we have, all the good that is going on right now in our lives, we’re coming from a mental place of plenty, not want,” said Sue Anderson, current president of the Interfaith Council. “The gratitude fills us.”

“This event is an opportunity to give love and support for each other, to contribute to the community-wide food drive for Helpline, and to enjoy each others’ company,” said Anderson, who is an active leader of First Church of Christ, Scientist.

“Faith enriches our individual lives,” added Bill Scarvie, a member of Cedars Unitarian Universalist Church and chief coordinator of the program.

“Interfaith gathering in gratitude at Thanksgiving enriches our community. The benefits of both are profound,” he said.

Attendees are also encouraged to express gratitude for Helpline House and Fishline by bringing nonperishable food items to help restock their shelves.

Free childcare will be provided for children under 5. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the service.

The Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap Interfaith Council was formed in 1997 and currently includes over 20 local faith groups. Council members work together to increase interfaith understanding and friendship, support the community, and offer a variety of annual events, such as a public reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an Interfaith Music Festival and a Baccalaureate service for high school graduates.

The council meets monthly on first Thursday evenings. More information can be found on the council’s website at www.