Incumbent Hansen takes on 2 challengers for state senate

Editor’s note: Candidates for the primary election were allowed up to 250 words each to let our readers know why they should vote for them. Here are the responses from those running for the state senate in the 23rd Legislative District, which represents northern Kitsap County and Bainbridge Island.

Drew Hansen

I currently serve as our Washington state senator. I believe in helping people find good jobs to support their families. I don’t want people to have to take a bridge or ferry to continue their education or get a job; I want us to have these opportunities right here in Kitsap County. I worked with Washington State University and Western Washington University to bring new college opportunities to Kitsap County, expanded the Olympic College engineering program to train more engineers for the shipyards, and protected marine industry jobs with legislation to remove derelict boats from our waterways.

I served our district in the House of Representatives from 2011-23, where I won several awards for my public service, including the State Nurses Association “Nursing Champion” award, the Washington Public Utility Districts Association “Legislative Champion” award, and the “Legislator of the Year” award from the Washington Student Association.

I also believe in working across party lines on common-sense solutions. I wrote the Shield Law, a bipartisan law protecting people in this state from anti-abortion laws in Texas and elsewhere. I worked with Republican legislators to give people more affordable internet options with the Public Broadband Act, which allows all local governments to offer broadband directly to the public. I also worked with law enforcement on a landmark bipartisan law to strengthen firearms background checks. It is an honor to serve us in the Washington State Senate, and I would be grateful for your vote.

Ace Haynes

Dear voters,

Ace Haynes is the right choice to send to Olympia. Ace has worked at the Bainbridge Island Teen Center, Messenger House, Serenity House and continues to be present to witness the progress made since incorporating the CoBI. The goal was to remove county controls and Ace believes the evidence is clear, Bainbridge is on the right path. As a split-partydistrict, we will receive much greater attention in Olympia, and Ace will make sure that BI is not lumped together in a “one size fits all” state mandate.

Bainbridge might have more dollars than sense, but the solution is not more broad government controls. Senator Ace Haynes would assuredly come and deliver the Annual BI-State of the State Legislate Update preferably at Woodward. Ace would come for many of the lavish charity fundraisers and awards’ shows to help celebrate the auctions, rummages, drives and rallies that support our seniors, youth, minorities, environment, animals and allies.

There is much to be done for the 23rd Legislative District. We have two military bases, three ferry terminals, four major unincorporated districts and Bainbridge Island; all being underserved in Olympia because of gerrymandering. Integrating our new technologies and STEM educational paths into society requires bipartisan effort. The quickest solution is to elect a Republican in the 23rd, and Ace Haynes is the best choice for sustainable progress. Ace endorses Bainbridge Island.

Lance Byrd

I was born and raised in the Northwest. I am a nature enthusiast at heart, I love the wildlife, streams and forests. I am grateful to live in Kitsap, and I am driven to address issues that affect our communities.

Starting with justice, all crimes need to be pursued, ranging from minor to serious offenses. That is my top legislative priority. I subscribe to the Broken Windows Theory. Meaning, you go after the small crimes to set the tone that will prevent more serious crimes. It has been grossly unfair that the only recourse victims of auto theft/break-ins have is to, “just make an insurance claim.” We deserve to feel safe and that lawmakers actually care.

The availability and reliability of the ferries is another source of pain for many. Resolving staffing issues will start with restoring employee trust. It also would have been wise to wait for the new electric boats to arrive before taking diesel boats like the Wenatchee, and soon the Tacoma, offline for electric conversion.

There are many individuals and families in dire need of affordable housing. While landlords are not often loved, encouraging more people to become one is key to providing abundant and affordable rental properties. By lowering the legal risks to rent a property, landlords will also be encouraged to offer housing to less-than-ideal tenants who are desperate for a home.

Sen. Hansen will tell a feel-good story; I will show caring by passing laws that will be fair to all.

Lance Byrd

Lance Byrd