Israel and the Iranian Nuclear Threat
How dangerous a threat to the survival of Israel and its people is the Iranian possession of
missile-deliverable nuclear weapons? In light of Iranian threats to destroy “The Zionist State,”
what can and should Israel do to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear arsenal? What is the role,
if any, of the United States in this situation?
These are questions that will be addressed by a distinguished panel as Program 4 of the Current
Jewish Issues Forum held at Congregation Kol Shalom. Panelists will include Steve Leach, a
former US diplomat and Ben Kirkendall, a nuclear scientist who worked with the United Nations
agency charged with nonproliferation. The panel will be moderated by Lewis Mandell who has
been a Professor at Tel Aviv University and who has written a book on Israel.
This forum will be held on Thursday, February 16, at 7:30 PM and is open to everyone without