The Review visited Wilkes and Ordway elementaries to talk turkey — and Thanksgiving — with some of Bainbridge’s youngest students.
Brodie Lawrence
First-grader, 7
What’s the best part of Thanksgiving?
“I would say afterwards, when we play all the games and stuff. Things like Hide-and-Seek. One time when we were playing Hide-and-Seek, it wasn’t on Thanksgiving, but my cousin Bobby, he hid and we couldn’t find him. And his parents almost left without him because of how long he was hiding. He hid in a thorn bush.”
“We have turkey usually. We often have chicken. We often have mashed potatoes.”
Is it a big Thanksgiving, with lots of relatives?
“Mom said we’re going to have a ton this time. I’m thinking probably maybe 10.”
More Hide-and-Seek this year?
Have you been thinking about a good place to hide?
“In my room, behind the laundry basket, where I’m under the clothes in front of me. And clothes on the side of me, and clothes on the other, too.
“I sometimes hide under this little, kind of like cushion thing. Kind of like a couch. It’s getting hard to fit under there, but I still can manage to.”