Let’s Talk Turkey | With Morgan Soltes

The Review visited Wilkes and Ordway elementaries to talk turkey — and Thanksgiving — with some of Bainbridge’s youngest students.

The Review visited Wilkes and Ordway elementaries to talk turkey — and Thanksgiving — with some of Bainbridge’s youngest students.

Morgan Soltes

Kindergartener, 5

What were the Pilgrims like?

“They wore black. They didn’t have any dyes, that was the only color.”

What’s the best part of the Thanksgiving for you?

“When I get to hold the turkey’s heart.”

What do you do with the turkey’s heart?

“I hold it.”

“We also eat the turkey heart.”

[Other girls at the table: “Eeeewwwwww!”]

How do you cook a turkey heart?

“You just cut it up into little pieces and roast it.”

[Other girls at the table: “Eeeewwwwww!”]

“I held the turkey liver, too.”