Level III sex offender registers on Bainbridge

A Level III sex offender, twice convicted of child molestation, has moved to Bainbridge Island, according to a statement released by Bainbridge Police Thursday.

According to police, Franklin D. Roe, 72, will be living in the area Parfitt Way and Wood Avenue.

Bainbridge Police and the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office will hold a community notification meeting regarding Roe, at the City Hall Council Chambers, at 7 p.m., Aug. 19.

Roe, a former Bainbridge Island business owner, was convicted of molesting two boys in 2001. He was later convicted of escaping community custody, and twice convicted for failing to register as a sex offender.

Level III sex offenders are considered to have the most potential to re-offend and are required to register with authorities each time they move.

Roe was last registered in Poulsbo.