Leona MacKay holds a collection of soda bottles from the 1970s or so that were found on the shore of Eagle Harbor during the 2018 Bainbridge Island Beach Cleanup Saturday.
Approximately 400 volunteers fanned out across Bainbridge to scour beaches from Agate Passage to Fort Ward during the cleanup effort.
Organizers said they found very little trash, but a lot of small pieces of plastic on the shoreline. There were some surprises, as well, including many car tires, plus boat floats, a beanbag chair, and a deflated and embedded zodiac raft.
Groups joining in the cleanup included Bainbridge Beach Naturalists
Bainbridge Disposal, the Bainbridge Island Land Trust, the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, Bainbridge Island Watershed Council, Bainbridge Island Zero Waste, Sustainable Bainbridge, IslandWood, the Bainbridge Parks Foundation, the city of Bainbridge Island, and Kitsap County Public Works’ Solid Waste Division.
(Brian Kelly | Bainbridge Island Review)