Sen. Murray responds to President Trump’s executive orders

This week has held one disappointment after another for Washington state’s senior senator.

The cause? Look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) issued a statement Wednesday following President Trump’s signing of executive orders on immigration — including constructing a wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico, punishing cities that prioritize local control of policing and public safety, and ramping up immigration raids that Murray says will tear families apart.

Murray issued the following statement:

“It’s deeply disappointing but not surprising to see President Trump turn his divisive, campaign rhetoric into the actions we are seeing today. There’s no question the U.S. immigration system is in need of a serious overhaul, but targeting hard-working families, constructing an extremely costly wall, and burdening law enforcement in cities in Washington state and across our country does not even begin to address the complexities of this issue and in fact could set us back.

“I urge this administration and the Republicans in Congress to work with Democrats on comprehensive immigration reform that truly works for families, for the economy, and for the security of our country,” Murray said.
