Tennis courts at Sakai closer to reality

Tennis courts at Sakai Park on Bainbridge Island are one step closer to reality as the low bid of almost $338,250 from Agate Asphalt was approved at a recent Bainbridge Island Metro Parks and Recreation District meeting.

The district has invested in the planning, permitting and design work. Paul Sullivan, president of Bainbridge Community Tennis Association, said they have raised $80,000 and are continuing fundraising.

Park Services superintendent David Harry said the new entryway to the park will require paving, but the district decided to bid that out later.

Pool work

Assistant executive director Amy Swenson said staff will be bringing an amended 2024 Capital Improvement Fund budget to the board after the Nov. 6 election, including an adjustment for Ray Williamson pool renovation. The entire Capital Improvement Fund will be impacted by whether the pool renovation bond passes.

Aquatic Program administrator Jenette Reneau said staff asked if FPH Construction could delay shutting down the pool for as long as possible so as not to disturb users. FPH said it would not need to shut the pool down until the first quarter of 2025.

Fort Ward easement

Park Services superintendent Lydia Roush said the easement is one the BI Parks & Trails Foundation would like to transfer to the district. It is in an area highlighted by the trails vision plan for easement approval and acquisition and will help connect Nute’s Pond to the Fort Ward neighborhood and eventually to Fort Ward Park. Staff plans to build a class II or III standard trail on the easement.

The cost to purchase the easement from BIPTF is about $16,700, and there is money in the acquisition budget to reimburse BIPTF.

Grant applications

The park commissioners OK’d the application of three grants—two for the skatepark at Strawberry Hill Park and one for artificial turf at Battle Point Park.

The district is asking for almost 50% of the funding from one skatepark grant. The skatepark is estimated to be a $1.3 million project. The other resolution would be for another 50% of the cost and come from a different funding pot.

The other grant is for 50% of the cost to have the artificial turf fields replaced at Battle Point Park.

All three of the applications are being made in conjunction with the BI Parks & Trails Foundation, which is the district’s community partner to assist with the required match.

Name change

The Grand Forest East Loop Trail’s name was changed to honor Chuck Field, who had said that Grand Forest was one of his greatest achievements as BIMPRD director. A bond was passed to fund the acquisition. He worked for and received a grant from the state for $1 million to help pay down the bond debt.

Staff report

Harry said the first Enterprise fleet lease vehicle has been received, and the next two are expected to arrive soon. Roush said the first session of Neurodiverse Student Conservation Corps wrapped up recently. Roush gave Volunteer Program manager Morgan Houk kudos for her work building the program.

Recreation Division director Madison Collins said any given week summer camps are accommodating kids from 1 1/2 to 17 years old. The Don Nakata pool will be closed through Sept. 1 for the liner replacement.
