‘The Changing Face of Bainbridge Families’ at next VillageSpeak gathering

“The Changing Face of Bainbridge Families” is the topic at the next VillageSpeak gathering at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 4 at OfficeXpats.

“The Changing Face of Bainbridge Families” is the topic at the next VillageSpeak gathering at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 4 at OfficeXpats.

Peter Denis will be the moderator.

Denis is an attorney and assistant vice president in human resources at the University of Washington, where he also lectures at the UW’s School of Law on labor relations. He is chairman of the executive committee of the Olympic Workforce Development Board, and also serves on the Bainbridge Performing Arts board of directors.

VillageSpeak organizers said Denis is known for his skill in bringing diverse viewpoints to a productive consensus.

At the June 4 VillageSpeak, Denis will moderate the discussion and audience question-and-answer session on the  “The Changing Face of Bainbridge Families.”

Five Bainbridge Island professionals with diverse expertise, insights and opinions will discuss what they’ve seen happening with family demographics and family values on Bainbridge Island over the past several decades.

They consider whether family patterns influence the stability and well-being of our community, and they will talk about critical, village-making questions: Do we, as a town, need to get more deeply involved in supporting diverse, special needs, and transitioning families in order to strengthen our island?

Panelists include Marijane Milton, co-founder of Ovation! Arts and Music Education Bainbridge (formerly Ovation! Musical Theatre Bainbridge); Rod Stevens, principal at Spinnaker Strategies, who has compiled studies on Bainbridge Island U.S. Census reports for the last several decades; Leigh Noffsinger, a Bainbridge Island family attorney who currently serves as president of Kitsap Collaborative Law Professionals; Barbara Mills, who specializes in separation and divorce, remarriage and blended families, and relationship violence; and Patrick Murray, the branch executive director of the Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island.

The meeting will begin with socializing at 6:30 p.m. at OfficeXPats Conference Center in the Bainbridge Pavilion; the panel conversation will start at 7 p.m.

From 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., the meeting will reconvene for extended conversation. Nibbles and beverages will be provided before and after.

Admission is $5. For more information and pre-registration, visit http://villagespeak.org/.