Winslow Way to close to vehicle traffic for nighttime light work

Winslow Way will be closed to traffic between Ericksen Avenue and Madison Avenue from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday, May 14 through Thursday, May 17.

Winslow Way will be closed to traffic between Ericksen Avenue and Madison Avenue from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the nights of Monday, May 14 through Thursday, May 17.

City of Bainbridge Island officials said Winslow Way will be shut down so Puget Sound Energy can install street lighting.

Commuter and through traffic will be directed to Ericksen Avenue and Wyatt Way for the east and west-bound detour routes.

Parking in the area will also not be available.

Other streets near the closure area, including access to Town & Country via Bjune Drive, will be open to two-way traffic.

All streets surrounding the closure, including T&C access on Bjune, will be open to accommodate two-way traffic.  Parking in this area will also be closed.  On-site signage reminding of the parking closure will be provided on-site 1 week prior to the closing.  Parking will continue to be available at the City Hall upper and lower gravel lots during the closure hours.

City officials said Intolight, a PSE subsidiary, will replace the existing overhead lighting fixtures on Winslow Way, and also add catenaries and pedestrian fixtures that will illuminate crosswalks and provide a safer night-time environment.

The new light poles also include fixtures for hanging flower baskets, which the Bainbridge Island Downtown Association will have ready for installation the following week.