Rosie Ludlow is the co-founder of Scarlet Road, a non-profit organization in Kitsap County that provides services and referrals to survivors of sexual exploitation. She is the co-organizer of the Freedom 5K Run on Bainbridge Island, which raises awareness of human trafficking and helps raise funds for Scarlet Road and Coffee Oasis, another organization for homeless and at-risk youth in Kitsap County.
Rosie has been on the steering committee for Break Free Kitsap, which is supported by Soroptimist International of Greater Bremerton. All of her work is performed as a volunteer while she also works for Youth For Christ’s Independent Living Skills Program helping those who age out of the foster care system.
“Rosie is one of the most effective Kitsap County leaders in the fight against human trafficking and her expertise is sought out by others,” said Jessica Guidry, who nominated her. “She is an articulate public speaker who addresses tough and uncomfortable issues with facts and compassion.”
Her talents include working with people from various fields including faith-based groups, law enforcement, social services and education.
She is a graduate of Washington State University in economics and has a master’s degree in international relations from Webster University. She has taught at Olympic College and has worked with the United Nations helping survivors of sex trafficking in Thailand. She’s also volunteered with the British Red Cross, the United Nations Refugee and Works Program, OpenAid International and the Washington Anti-Trafficking Response Network.
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in Sound Publishing’s Special Section, “Women of Achievement.”