How will Bainbridge Island be developed over the next two decades?
That question takes center stage this week as the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission will host a hands-on workshop on the update of the city’s comprehensive plan, the expansive policy document that will guide growth on the island over the next 20 years.
The meeting will focus on the Land Use Element of the plan and is from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, May 7 at Bainbridge Island City Hall.
City officials are encouraging the public to participate in the workshop. The land-use component of the comp plan will be reviewed to determine whether its goals and policies should be retained or amended.
Officials suggest that residents get prepared for the workshop by reviewing key issues at
Citizens should also review the land-use piece of the existing plan at
Finally, the city suggests that residents submit written comments via email to the city before the workshop so the planning commission and city staff can “hit the ground running” at the workshop. Comments can be sent to
Discussion on the land-use component of the comp plan are expected to continue to the following planning commission meeting.