Your contributions have kept us going | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: The Friends of the Library would like to thank all those who contributed books to the friends so that we could continue our three times a month book sales in 2012.

To the editor:

The Friends of the Library would like to thank all those who contributed books to the friends so that we could continue our three times a month book sales in 2012.

Your contributions helped to support programs for children, teens and adults, such as the Summer Reading Programs, opera previews, film festivals and more than 50 magazine subscriptions. FOL also funded new shelves for the teens’ area and a gas fireplace replacement in the reading area.

Donated books are transformed into funds that help make the library not only a place of information but a gathering place for the community. We couldn’t have done it without your help. Keep those books coming and stop by one of our sales. Check for dates and times at


Friends of the Library