Robert Hoskinson

Robert (Bob) Hoskinson was born Nov. 3, 1928 in Stryker, Ohio to M.G. and Isabel (Layton) Hoskinson. He died peacefully on June 4, 2014.

Despite its small size, Stryker had five churches as well as large Amish and Mennonite churches out in the country. As a child, Bob attended a shared Methodist Episcopal Church.

Bob’s family moved to Bowling Green in the 1930s. From the first grade, he knew he wanted to be a teacher, largely because of having had many dedicated elementary and high school teachers who served as his role models. He was talented musically, but when he entered college, his parents convinced him that he should major in something other than music. As a result he graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1950 with a degree in business education.

After teaching at the high school level for two years, he was drafted into the Army and was eventually stationed at USAREUR headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany. There he served as a court reporter and chief clerk for the comptroller’s office.

Upon his return to civilian life, he resumed teaching in a suburb of Cleveland. Upon completion of his master of arts degree, he began teaching at the college level, holding positions at Michigan State University and Indiana State University. In 1960, Bob completed his PhD program at Ohio State University and accepted a position as chair of the Department of Office Administration at Washington State University. He remained at WSU for 24 years. In 1984, he took a position at Bunka Women’s University in Tokyo, Japan, where he taught courses in cross-culture and headed its annual month long overseas program for students.

Bob returned to the U.S. to retire on Bainbridge in 1992. He became a member of Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church, where he took Stephen Ministry training in 1993, followed by leadership training in 1994. He served on the leadership team for several years and continued as an active Stephen Minster and caregiver for the Interfaith Volunteers until 2012.

Bob was an ordained deacon and elder of the Presbyterian Church. Bob served as an organist in churches of several denominations over a period of 52 years. He was a member of the Worship and Music and the Spiritual Life Committees at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church.

Remembrances may be made to the Stephen Ministry.