
ProXental: Reviewing The Dental Health Supplement That Promises Long-Lasting Results

When did you last go out in a social setting without fearing how people might react to your stained teeth or bad breath? Have you noticed a significant increase in yellowing or a coating left behind on your tongue? If so, these might be signs of excess bacteria, food particles left behind, or poor oral hygiene. Failing to address these issues promptly damages oral health and could lead to unwanted health conditions.

One team, best known for its rigorous research, ingredient selection process, double-testing efforts, stringent manufacturing processes, and reliance on the synergy of science and tradition, believes it’s developed a gel-like formula that alleviates the above concerns. Are you curious to see our editorial team’s perspective on it? Here’s an in-depth analysis of ProXental™.

What is ProXental™?

ProXental™ is an all-natural dental gel designed to increase antioxidant capacity for gum support and dental health. The creators at Simple Promise™ pledge that this solution best suits people suffering from cracked teeth, itchy gums, and bad breath. The ProXental™ formula can help strengthen, soothe, and freshen oral health regardless of age, background, or condition.

Moving on to the underlying mechanism, the formula’s creators assert that they approached ProXental™ with our “self-regenerating dental cells” in mind. Put differently, this formula aims to activate dental regeneration cells.

The question remains: what exactly are these dental regeneration cells, and why might they be inactive? To answer these questions, we must patiently navigate the inner workings, which will be covered next.

ProXental™: Try it now, you won’t be disappointed!

How does ProXental™ work?

ProXental™ is designed to activate a particular set of self-regenerating dental cells called mesenchymal stem cells, or MSC. Interestingly, the tooth, which comprises layers such as the enamel, dentin, and pulp resting comfortably in the gum, contains these MSCs. As outlined in one source, a healthy dental pulp is critical for keeping teeth alive. A common cause of tooth loss is the death of cells and tissues in the teeth. Additionally, the author explained that multipotent dental pulp regenerative stem cells are required to regenerate dental pulps.

Another source that covered MSCs highlighted that they do have a capacity for self-regulation and, under specific conditions, have the potential to differentiate into odontoblasts (which form the hard tissue beneath the enamel), adipocytes (which protect the cheek muscles and other oral health-related structures), chondrocytes (which contribute to the cartilage matrix), and even neurons. Deactivation of MSCs can be due to several factors, including cellular death, oxidative stress, aging, and nutrient deficiencies.

The Simple Promise™ team might have addressed dental consequences by helping reduce oxidative stress and inflammation implications. To what extent does this hold true? The only way to verify this is by exploring the ingredient list.

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What are the ingredients in the ProXental™ formula?

The ProXental™ formula primarily consists of:

Salvia Officinalis

Salvia officinalis is the scientific name for common sage. Native to the Middle East and Mediterranean areas, this ingredient is renowned for many constituents, such as alkaloids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycosidic derivatives, phenolic compounds, steroids, terpenes, acetylenes, and waxes. In the context of dental and oral health, this ingredient’s anticancer and antimutagenic effects might help end “oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma.” As we dug further into these claims, our editorial team found another source confirming Sage’s ability to protect against microbes (Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans) that promote dental plaque and cavities.

Eugenia Aromatica

Eugenia aromatica is an evergreen tree whose flower buds are known as cloves. Cloves, as we are all likely familiar with, have been used in hot beverages and cooking, but sometimes, people need to be reminded of their therapeutic effects. Regarding nutrients, cloves contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including manganese. One source noted manganese’s positive influence on building strong bones and brain function. Likewise, its antioxidant activity is poised to reduce oxidative stress, which, as we mentioned earlier, contributes to the deactivation of MSCs.

Regarding cloves’ possible effects on oral health, the same source highlighted their antimicrobial properties, which might halt the growth of bacteria, thereby improving oral hygiene. When its underlying mechanism was further investigated, our editorial team also learned about clove’s role in reducing gum swelling and irritation (attributed to its anti-inflammatory properties), increasing circulation, remineralizing teeth (attributed to the protective properties of eugenol), and possibly decreasing decalcification.

Ferulic Acid

Ferulic acid is a plant-based antioxidant belonging to a group of acids called hydroxycinnamic acids that are usually used in skin care products to reduce inflammation and visible aging signs. In skin health, this ingredient has been shown to repair and protect damaged skin cells, protect the skin from harmful UV rays, and brighten the skin. How about oral health? Two sources covered the combined effects of phloretin and ferulic acid, underscoring the duo’s significant impact on “cell proliferation and healing in oral cells.” Moreover, it can improve gum tissue’s appearance and ease gingival’s damaging effects, among others.

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Aloe Barbadensis Leaf

Aloe is a cactus-like plant cultivated for its gel-like substance within the leaves. It has been extensively studied for its hydrating properties; however, when it comes to oral health, it might be helpful as an alternative to mouthwash. One older study suggested that aloe vera’s healthy dose of vitamin C might help block out plaque and reduce the risk of bleeding and swollen gums. Building on its oral health benefits, another source noted that aloe vera might prevent caries and accumulation of oral biofilm, directly halting bacteria. Moreover, its antioxidant property is thought to remineralize teeth and prevent the loss of tooth enamel (especially in the elderly).

Thymus Vulgaris Extract & Menta Piperita

Thymus vulgaris extract, made from the thyme herb, belongs to the mint family. It is one of several herbs known for its therapeutic effects in various health areas. Given that this ingredient belongs to the mint family, it should be too much of a surprise that it might be found in toothpaste and mouthwash formulas. A recent 2024 study examining the effects of thyme mouthwash on oral hygiene showed significant improvement in reversing bad breath and gingivitis in patients. These results stem from measuring the herb’s impact on intraoral halitosis, gingival index, and plaque index.

Regarding the mint family, peppermint is another ingredient in the ProXental™ formula. It carries antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, larvicidal, antitumor, radioprotective, chemoprotective, genotoxicity, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and neuroprotective effects. Some of the properties combined have helped the plant gain recognition for its powerful effects on fighting off oral pathogens and bacteria linked to cavities and gum disease.


Xylitol is described as a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that is often used as a sweetener. Interestingly, it is found in many oral health products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, chewing gums, and mints. The reason for this dates back to the first findings in 1975, where xylitol reduces dental caries and gum disease incidence and improves oral health. Additionally, xylitol has been proven to slow the destruction of enamel (while increasing the production of new enamel), prevent the formation of new cavities, and prevent S.mutans from expanding.

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Cucumis Sativus

The last ingredient is cucumber. From the looks of things, this ingredient’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have been helpful in terms of possibly treating malignant oral disorders like oral leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, and oral lichen planus. In other words, its role in neutralizing free radicals and oxidative stress and reversing the consequences of the duo on oral health has earned it a spot in the oral health space. To add to its list of benefits, cucumbers are also believed to alkalinize saliva, which might help remineralize enamel and fight bacteria linked to cavity formation.


How much does ProXental™ cost?

When used as directed, each ProXental™ unit should last one month. Since activating MSCs requires time, the Simple Promise™ team is doing its part to motivate users to consider long-term uses. Simple Promise offers a 15% discount, or customers can choose the Subscribe and Save for 25% savings on the official website and offers the following options:

  • 1 ProXental™ unit: $69 each
  • 3 ProXental™ units: $49 each
  • 6 ProXental™ units: $39 each

Multi-bottle purchases, in this case, 3 or 6 bottles, are also guaranteed access to the following digital bonuses:

Bonus #1: Conquer Coffee Stains & Wine Nights

Inside the first bonus guide, individuals will gain insight into daily oral care routines worth implementing. These are the very routines that celebrities in Hollywood use to maintain the appearance of healthy teeth, gums, and breath. Aside from these tips, individuals will also learn the main culprits that lead to staining (hint: they aren’t only coffee and red wine). Other learning opportunities include:

  • Natural ways to fight stains.
  • The effect that one particular oil has on whitening teeth.
  • The benefits of combining ProXental™ with natural oral cleansing tools.
  • The positive effects of water on oral health.
  • The single most imperative brushing routine to use to prevent food and drinks from setting in.

Bonus #2: Beating Bad Breath

The second bonus report focuses on overcoming bad breath in the most natural way possible. Although the topic seems straightforward, this resource is quite lengthy, as it covers:

  • The root causes of halitosis range from bacteria growth to medical conditions and everything in between.
  • The step-by-step instructions on using home remedies to fight bad breath.
  • The benefits of chewing parsley, fennel, and other herbs for freshening the breath.
  • The best way to stay hydrated and to manage dry mouth (a primary cause of bad breath).
  • Indicators to look out for to recognize chronic halitosis.

Get a special deal and bonuses when you order today!

Bonus #3: The Tiny Titans of Teeth

The last of the bonuses delves into the positive influence of good bacteria and prebiotics on enhancing oral flora and preventing cavity-causing bacteria from finding solace in the mouth. In addition to conventional methods, this resource covers the latest discoveries in oral care tips that go beyond toothpaste and flossing. Put differently, individuals can expect to read about the powerful effects of turmeric, green tea, and clove oil, among other ingredients, for creating a healthy oral flora.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is ProXental™ safe?

A: The ingredients found in ProXental™ are generally found in supplements and other products. In addition to its repetitive presence, several studies have been conducted on their tolerance and effects on users, most of which have been generally safe. Our research also suggests that many of these ingredients have been studied to some extent, with the bare minimum suggesting that they might have a promising effect on oral health without several side effects. How could we forget the manufacturing process, which took place in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility? Or the fact that this formula has been verified for purity?

Q: Who might benefit from using ProXental™?

A: The Simple Promise™ team insists that ProXental™ might help people who’ve experienced any combination of cracks, cavities, pain, swelling, demineralization, and/or bad breath. Since the mouth is in your face, not to mention bad breath, this is something that people should pay extra attention to. Besides its presence in a social context, poor oral health typically hints at poor health elsewhere in the body that needs to be investigated.

Q: Who should avoid using ProXental™?

A: ProXental™ is not for use by individuals under 18 years old.

Q: How do I use ProXental™?

A: To get the most out of ProXental™, individuals are asked to apply a pea-sized amount of the gel to their upper and lower gums using their fingertips, a cotton swab, or a toothbrush. Once completely dissolved, the gel will form excess saliva, which individuals should spit out accordingly. For those wondering how often they should be using ProXental™, the Simple Promise™ team believes twice a day, right after brushing, suffices. Once applied, individuals should not eat or drink for 30 minutes.

Q: Are there any cautions I need to know before using ProXental™?

A: The biggest caution is that this gel should not be swallowed. If individuals do so accidentally, there is some irritation and sensitivity risk. This product should be discontinued, and a healthcare provider’s assistance must be sought.

Q: What are the reported benefits of using ProXental™?

A: ProXental™ promotes overall dental health, eases tooth and gum sensitivity, supports tooth appearance, and improves bad breath.

Buy ProXental™ Before it’s SOLD OUT >>>

Q: How long will it take to see results with ProXental™?

A: On average, it might take up to six months to significantly improve oral health. The Simple Promise™ team believes this gel will strengthen the teeth and restore the gums within the first three months. Another three months later, individuals can anticipate a complete transformation in cleanliness, brightness, and overall health.

Q: How long will I have to wait for my ProXental™ shipment?

A: ProXental™ orders with a final destination to the United States should take at most seven business days, whereas international orders usually require up to 15 business days. The extended wait time is attributed to uncontrollable factors.

Q: Does a money-back guarantee protect ProXental™?

A: After navigating the Simple Promise™ refund policy, it is clear that a 365-day money-back guarantee has protected ProXental™. If, within the first year of using ProXental™, individuals see or feel no difference in their oral health, customer service must be contacted for a full purchase price refund on all unused units. For the dos and don’ts of the return process, consider the following communication channels:

  • Email: support@simplepromise.com.
  • Telephone: 1-800-259-9522
  • Mailing address: 3242 NE 3rd Avenue, #1051 Camas, WA 98607.

Final Reflection

To reiterate, ProXental™ is an oral health supplement formulated to address the root cause of bad breath, deteriorating gum health, and breaking teeth: deactivated MSCs in the dental pulp. Upon activation, the MSCs are believed to contribute to self-regulation, whether in terms of remineralization, protection of muscles in the mouth, or improved oral matrices, among others. This angle has been studied to a certain degree, prompting researchers to probe further. However, these outcomes are preliminary and require additional research.

Fortunately, many of these ingredients have been shown to improve oral health in other ways. This could include eliminating harmful bacteria, limiting the consequences of oxidative stress and inflammation on oral health, directly and indirectly improving one’s breath, prolonging the destruction of the enamel (thereby protecting the inner workings of our teeth, including the dental pulp), and so on. One thing to remember is that in no way does ProXental™ replace the conventional use of toothpaste.

Despite the ongoing debate on toothpaste’s usefulness, ProXental™ can be used after brushing.

Visit the official website to learn more today!


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