Spartan Booster Club meeting is tonight

Residents, students, alumni and parents are invited to the Bainbridge High School Spartan Booster Club general meeting at the BHS library from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 10.

Residents, students, alumni and parents are invited to the Bainbridge High School Spartan Booster Club general meeting at the BHS library from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 10.

The purpose of the meeting will be to seek volunteers to augment the organization’s efforts.

For the past three years the Spartan Alumni Booster Club (SBAC) has supported all students at BHS in the way of participation scholarships, enhanced funding for activities and overall support.

The SBAC board is transitioning out and the group is in need of volunteers to help continue the work.  New officers and event coordinators

need to be found to keep the booster organization working for the students.

Available officer positions include president, treasurer, secretary and web master.

Event Coordinator positions available include annual dinner and dance gala manager,  annual membership manager, Fourth of July pancake breakfast manager, dodgeball tournament manager and others.